Challans to make car cover costlier, trial soon in Delhi-NCR


(This story originally appeared in on Jan 21, 2021)

NEW DELHI: With the insurance regulator planning a “traffic violation premium” to rein in errant drivers, a year-long pilot project would be launched soon in Delhi linking vehicle insurance premiums to traffic violations committed in the last two years. To begin with, the vehicle owners of Delhi and adjoining areas in the NCR would be the first ones to pay the additional premium while renewing their vehicle insurance for violating motor vehicle and traffic rules.

Such extra premiums would be anywhere between Rs 100 and Rs 750 for two-wheelers, and for four-wheelers and commercial vehicles, it would be in the range of Rs 300 to Rs 1,500, according to the insurance regulator.


According to the exposure draft published by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), while a driver caught drunk driving would attract the maximum traffic violation points, the second highest score would be for dangerous driving which includes talking on the phone while driving.

The traffic violation points will double and triple if the offence is committed second and third time in two years.

The Delhi Traffic Police has been recording traffic violations digitally. Though initially the pilot was planned only for vehicles registered in Delhi, it was found that a huge number of vehicles from the NCR ply on the city roads and hence those vehicles would be brought under this ambit.

Based on the finding of the pilot in Delhi, this would be extended to other states and UTs. TOI on June 29, 2020 had first reported the IRDA’s plan to launch this pilot in Delhi.

The additional premium would be paid by the vehicle owner since he/ she is responsible for allowing anyone to drive the vehicle. The traffic violation premium will float over both Own Damage and Third Party sections of motor insurance and can be attached to any section of motor insurance cover being purchased. The IRDA has invited inputs of all stakeholders on the recommendations till February 1.

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