February horoscope 2022: Horoscopes for the month ahead – check your astrology forecast


Astrology: Expert reveals new zodiac dates as stars realign

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) 

Prioritise and take time to reflect. You’ve reached a point in life where you need to decide about certain relationships and situations. If other people’s demands and expectations of your behaviour are too high, don’t be afraid to set boundaries. A little reflection at the beginning of each month can help you see what in your life is not serving you and which relationships work for you.

Learn from experience, be prepared to let go and release anyone in your heart that is holding it back. You’ll settle into new routines by the 2nd. The more you love, the more love will you experience. Your hard work has paid off. You can look ahead to some free time for fun activities. Take an adventure trip. You have overcome many hurdles and your hard work has helped you build a solid foundation for your future. The 20th will see financial issues come into focus when you look to invest money in a vehicle, computer, or beautiful art. You realise you cannot do everything.

It’s not weakness to ask others for help. Your co-workers can help you, so delegate your workload. This will leave you with more time to be present and enjoy the results of your labour. As February winds down, you will need to have some time for yourself. Your family and friends can help you relax and feel rejuvenated. You will receive an award for your hard work around the 25th.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

You have given away too many of your powers to other people. It’s now that you have the power to take control of your life. You’ve made commitments that were too big for you and you find it difficult to say no. You feel trapped in either your career or in a relationship. Now you’re looking at the value of friendships. Too many people have had too big an impact on your life, so it is important to establish boundaries. After all, you are the one who is giving the most.

It’s okay to remind family, friends, or partners of your needs. Being in nature can help you feel better about yourself. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for work or money. Look at where you currently stand and where it will take you in six months. Be open to the suggestions and advice you receive. If you have given loans to someone else’s hobby, habits, or business, insist on full repayment. You have to give your energy where it’s likely to be reciprocated.

That means that you should also ask your employer to pay you more or to look for a different job. Your job might be something you love so much that you want to get involved in work projects. However, if your salary isn’t enough to meet your needs, you will need to find a solution. You can get so wrapped up in your work, you don’t realise how much it drains your energy. Don’t be distracted by anyone who suggests you are being selfish.

Gemini (May22/June21)

Clear the air before February begins. Take this opportunity to be kind and generous with colleagues and friends who have been in conflict. Strange events are taking place now. While these might seem alarming, it could be just what you need to get rid of stagnant energy at your home and workplace. You’re starting to seriously consider the value of some friendships. It might appear that your mutual hopes and desires have been put on the back burner for several months when you are in a committed relationship. Be confident that your goals will be realised. It doesn’t matter whether you’re buying a house or getting married.

Are you single, or are you married? It’s a good idea to join groups that have like-minded people. This will help you find a compatible date. You are looking at your world with a new, more innovative perspective. You want to feel you’re making better decisions and achieving a better future. Being awarded a bonus, funding or other form of compensation from the government can give you more autonomy. This is a good time to think about buying a home for your family. Your income will increase.

Use this opportunity to open a saving/investment account. Take full advantage of the time as February begins to make changes and declutter. You can get rid of unnecessary items, file your papers correctly and free yourself from any situation that is preventing you from reaching your full potential. Explore new possibilities and build relationships. It’s possible to achieve your personal goals with the help of people you meet around the 16th. You’re ready for new beginnings and can handle any challenges. Don’t be ashamed of the achievements made thus far, and continue to dream big.

Cancer (June22/July23)

When you think about all you’ve gone through, all the accomplishments you’ve achieved and all the times you’ve had to overcome, you should be so proud. There are still people who believe that they can impact you. It’s time to take initiative and change the direction of your life. Take responsibility for your own life. Be more assertive in your relationships. Take the initiative to address any issues you are having with your partner or yourself.

You’ll be amazed at how others view you once you after the 10th. If you are direct and positive, your friends and partner will begin to show you renewed respect. You might have to put money into safety equipment if you take up a sport. This investment will pay off in the long-term, as it is good for your health. You may agree to work on a contract basis for a job around the 13th. This money will help you build financial security. You are the master of your decisions.

If you feel that a colleague is able to make prudent decisions, you should show them through your words and actions. Don’t quit if it makes you unhappy. Change is imminent and you’d be better off being unemployed than enduring it. There are many ways to improve your workplace situation. Consider changing your job title on the 20th. There are always new opportunities.

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Horoscopes: Astrology star signs (Image: GETTY)

Leo (July24/Aug23) 

You’re ready to have some good times as February begins. You’ve been working hard. Your responsibilities have been taken seriously. Now is the time for your inner child. Your days should be filled with activities that you find enjoyable and enjoy.

You need some time for yourself. You’re worthy of this. If you are more involved in pleasure, your relationship will benefit. This is the time to inject some spice into your romance. It’s time to plan a special trip for you both. Your charisma will rise to a new level mid-February. You bring out all the best in people, no matter where they are. Are you single and lonely or are you looking for love? Remind yourself of how beautiful and worthy you are of true love. When a friend introduces someone to you, you’ll instantly realise that you have found the perfect partner. Being more relaxed this month means you’re open to new concepts and ideas.

By focusing your attention away from your problems, you will suddenly see the bigger picture. Money is not everything. Living beyond what you can afford is bad for your health and your happiness. While being able to pay your bills is important, it can’t buy your happiness. The things that truly make you happy are your family, friends and loved ones. You will achieve a major goal mid-February. You won’t rush to find an alternative. Routine tasks that don’t require too much effort or concentration are best for you. You’ve always been driven. Now it’s time you are gentle with yourself and start to enjoy the simple pleasures of living. Your life will be more balanced by the end of this month, as you begin to build your ideal lifestyle.

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)

Your efforts are beginning to show results. It’s possible to achieve the goals that you have been working towards. Your hard work will begin paying off in many ways. It’s about more than the money. It’s all in the passion, the energy, the effort and the hard work that you put into building a foundation for your life. Romance is the best way to express your love and appreciation to your partner.

If you aren’t seeing anyone right now, it could be because you’ve been too focused on your career and other responsibilities. You can feel therapeutic by taking a quick getaway for pleasure in mid-February. You may meet someone special on your journey. The romance journey will provide you with excitement for your future. You will receive money as February begins from any inheritance or refund you received. It’s not a good idea to rush to spend money if your primary goal is to ensure your long-term financial security. The opportunity to use your creativity is great when you purchase a piece of art or launch a home improvement project. You’ll feel great knowing you can invest in your life. The 20th is an excellent opportunity to sign contracts or make long-term financial commitments.

The future is bright for a career. You have the potential to land your dream job. You are already making a name for yourself in your chosen field. Expect to be promoted around the 19th. This job will allow more freedom for you to make your own decisions. Refine your CV and highlight your skills in the interview. It could be fulfilling to embark on a spiritual pilgrimage as February ends.


Libra (Sept24/Oct23) 

You may have struggled with making big decisions in the past so February could be an overwhelming month. The more you think it through, the more confusing you’ll become. Retire. Clear your mind. You won’t make the right decision if your mind is running at high speed all the time. An intimate relationship can lead to confusion. A person you love may expect too much.

There are times when they may have experienced a difficult time. Now is the time to go back to normal. You will need to allow yourself more time for independent interests. You have doubts about joining a group project or going out with your friends, but you still want to be there. You have bills to pay and your funds are running out. You need to find a way to replenish your bank balance. If you allow others to control how your cash is spent, it will make it difficult to pay your bills. You may have to be strict about your budget.

Consider your career goals. The 10th will allow you to step back and contemplate your future. Don’t feel pressured to take action immediately. If you feel that your current job will change and it won’t suit you, you should look for another job. It’s better to accept changes than to have them forced upon your life.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

Talking to family members can help you relieve any anxiety you have. It is a time of big changes. This makes it easy to be both excited and nervous. February is a powerful period for healing family wounds. The challenges you face in your own home could help you learn valuable lessons. There may be many opinions between you and your partner on an issue of morality, education or medical.

Arguing about the same issue will drain your energy. You must resolve this issue to move on to other important areas. There’s excitement in trying new things around the 13th. It’s normal for people to be anxious about embarking on a new adventure. Are you single, or are you married? Valentine’s Day can be a wonderful opportunity to meet someone you love. The positive effects of the past choices are showing. All the work you have done will finally come to an end. For the extra effort that you have put in to make this happen, don’t be surprised if a bonus is given. This is not just about making money. It was also about passion.

You’ve had the chance to show your creative side and are realising that it’s a good way to make money. You have invested your time and energy in building a foundation which you can build upon for your future. You know where your next steps will take you because your plans are carefully planned. All the dreams you’ve envisioned are becoming a reality. This is a positive sign that your next goals can be achieved. You just need to have faith, patience and perseverance. It all happens at the divine timing.

Horoscopes: Astrology star signs

Horoscopes: Astrology star signs 2022 (Image: EXPRESS)

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

You might find yourself in a difficult position as the month begins. Although you are likely to prefer your own solutions, there is one situation where you might benefit from the advice of another person. You might feel obligated to fulfil some obligations for a family member or partner. This may be an inconvenience for them but they will not be able to do it alone. You are the best person to do this job.

You will find it feels like a mundane job, as these are challenging and time-consuming tasks. Your kindness will always be remembered. For Valentine’s Day, take a break to have fun with your partner. On a journey, you could find someone special. You could end up losing your savings if you make financial sacrifices for your partner, family member or friend. If you want your loved ones to have financial support you might need to pull out some of your savings. While this could mean that you will have to cancel a holiday or delay a luxury purchase, it’s something that you want to do. You will be able to celebrate the 18th with joy.

You are already reaping the rewards for a job well performed. Although it will take some time before you see the results, your income is likely to increase because of success in your career. This will eventually impact your family situation and help you feel more secure. Despite all the challenges you face, you are moving in a positive direction.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) 

As the month begins, it seems like your sensitivity levels have gone on overload. Don’t believe every word you hear. Avoid drama, in particular the drama of others. If you’re having difficulty coping emotionally, get support from a friend. Romance is not about pretending you don’t feel affected by your best friend’s or partner’s actions. You may feel as though they are intentionally trying to upset or hurt you.

Maybe they didn’t mean to cause you pain but they are sending conflicting signals which makes it difficult to keep your emotions in check. Give them the benefit of doubt if they are being honest with you and you will be able to move on. Make it romantic for the 14th. Reconnect over a candlelit dinner. You can set boundaries and make sure you are in good standing with your loved ones as February ends. A friend will often ask for financial advice. Don’t get involved. You have enough going on in your life. The last thing you want is to be drawn into other people’s problems. Mid-February is a great time for a spa treat as your body craves pampering.

You will feel loved and appreciated as February ends. Giving someone a gift of appreciation for all they have done will bring you to tears. You will soon be recognised for your hard work, dedication and perseverance by those in high places. It is possible to get a raise, or even a well-deserved promotion. You can expect exciting things to happen at the workplace on the 20th. You will feel the joy of success if you take a step back. This positive memory will help you get through any challenging times. Preparing for an interview in February will boost your confidence.

Horoscopes: Zodiac star signs

Horoscopes: Zodiac star signs (Image: EXPRESS)

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

The 1st of February marks the end of a cycle in your life. It can feel like your life has been on an emotional rollercoaster. But you find that the next few weeks will be more peaceful. As you get over this, you will be able to open new doors. It’s time for you and your partner to let it go. Old situations, ties, people or habits. New things are waiting for them. If a relationship feels stale, boring or uninteresting, but you keep holding on to it because it feels familiar, then you are trading your happiness for security. You have the power to end the relationship now or make it better. Get over past hurts and disappointments.

Do not retell your past stories. It’s time for a fresh story. Financial matters can be stable and settled but they can also change rapidly. It is important to protect your financial future by making a budget, controlling your spending, and saving money for an emergency.

Be careful who you confide in. Make sure to protect your valuables and money. Avoid comparing yourself with your friends or colleagues. The most important thing is to keep your sights on your own path and your own progress. Keep in mind that the Universe is vast and there are plenty of opportunities for everyone to succeed. In many areas of your life, new beginnings are possible. Be kind and loving to yourself. Be confident that success is possible if your goal is to achieve it.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) 

You’re learning to control your emotions so they don’t get the better of you. You will set goals for the month and be focused on what you want to do. You’re making good progress and the more you learn the skills you need to succeed, the more confidence you will have. Romance is about you feeling more confident and independent with your partner. You don’t need the other’s approval to pursue the things you want.

You will be grateful for your family’s support and love, but they’ll also see how stubborn you really are. It will bring you a sense of balance in your life by embracing a new spiritual practice based around the 10th. Are you single and looking for love? It is possible to find a companion while on an advanced course. Clearing out clutter from your life can help you feel less stressed and overwhelmed. Holding onto items you don’t use can cause you to get stuck. Give up on items that are expensive, even if they once held sentimental significance. If someone is experiencing financial hardship, they will be grateful to you for your kindness.

You have the courage and determination to take on any challenge you face in February. You know you can get results by remaining calm and in control. Although it may take some time to master new techniques or methods you will never lose heart. You can benefit from the support of Virgo or Taurus friends to help you look at problems in a more constructive way. You can’t control what is going on around you, but you can influence your reactions. As February ends you will be able to recognise when you need to let go and you can move on from any situation bringing you down.



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