WhatsApp is on a spree of adding new features to improve user experience. Now, the Meta-owned instant messaging app has introduced a few more features that would make the experience better for users. Recently, WhatsApp increased the participant limit for a group voice call to 32 people. And group calls are not so easy; there are lots of people and lots of chatter going around. So, WhatsApp has introduced some nifty features to improve the group calling experience.
Now, whenever you are on a group voice call on WhatsApp, the app will show you a banner notification if some new has joined the call. If you are on a call with many people, the notification will help users know when a new person joins the call.
Furthermore, users will be able to mute other users in case they want to focus on one person. All you have to do is press and hold the name card of the person whom you want to mute and select the option from the pop-up menu. Lastly, you can now message a user on the group call without leaving the call.
These features are rolling out both WhatsApp for Android and iOS. You can update the WhatsApp installed on your phone to the latest version to use these new features.
In related news, WhatsApp is now rolling out the new privacy settings for last seen, status and profile picture. Now, users will be able to select specific contacts who can see their profile picture, status and last seen instead of being visible to every person in their phone book.
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