5 Marketing Tips for Your Small Business

All entrepreneurs and small business owners are looking for ways to not only reach locally within their community, but they’re also starting to dream bigger. Small businesses are stretching their efforts to sell their products and services online to reach national or global consumers. 

Whichever route a business decides to take, having a strategic marketing strategy is an essential key to generating sales and enhancing its brand.

Here are five marketing tips for any small business to discover new leads and start making a profit.

Create Effective SMART Goals

First and foremost, your business will need to configure an effective marketing plan. Many people who’ve started their own business may not have previous education or experience running a storefront, whether it’s digitally or in person. 

If you don’t have experience, it might be beneficial to hire someone or another company to help in your marketing strategy. If outsourcing help isn’t within your budget, there is still plenty you can do on your own through ample amounts of online education and master courses.

Defining your SMART goals is a helpful tool in navigating your business structure. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. It’s one thing to say that your business goal is to make a profit. However, if your goal isn’t defined and narrowed down, it will be significantly harder to start seeing your bank account grow into the green. 

For example, one of your SMART goals would be to increase foot traffic into your storefront by 20% by the end of the quarter. This goal is specific, measurable, and has a definitive timeline associated with it. You’ll be able to properly analyze your efforts throughout the quarter to see if your tactics are working.

Choose Your Social Media Platforms Wisely

Not every social media channel is going to be right for your business. The two most important pieces of the social media puzzle are to (1) figure out where your target audience lives and (2) determine which platforms you will be able to thrive in creatively. 

If you’re an accountant in Arkansas, you may be spending too much time on Instagram when the majority of your potential clients are over the age of forty. If this is the case, it may be worth spending more time on Facebook, as the median age of Facebook users in the United States is around forty years old.

It’s also important to understand where you are going to thrive. Say you are a fitness instructor in New York City and want to establish yourself not only towards your local community, but you want to gain a wider audience and following to be recognized as a leader in the industry. 

Creating short videos on TikTok might be your sweet spot. Try not to spread yourself too thin on too many different platforms. Otherwise, you’ll be spending more time on social media than you will be actively working with current and new clients.

Make a User and Mobile-Friendly Website

Your website is the digital face of your business no matter what industry you’re in. If you’re a local coffee shop or an online service provider, people are going straight to an internet search for their specific needs, and hopefully, they’ll find your business first. 

When they come to your website, you’ll want not only something that clearly states what your business does in a professional and brand cohesive manner, but you’ll also want to ensure that it’s mobile-friendly. 

According to Perficient, 68.1% of all website visits were from mobile devices in 2020. A fast-loading website on mobile devices is a key component, especially as you start utilizing your social media to direct more people to your website.

Local Businesses Can Keep it Local with Print Marketing Tactics 

Print isn’t dead. When local small businesses are looking to connect with their community to generate more sales, bring in more people, or generate awareness, there is something to be said with classic print marketing collateral. 

Local real estate agents still use realtor postcards that are mailed to people’s homes or placed within other local establishments. On average, for every seven postcards that are mailed out and touched by another person, even if it’s to be sent directly into the recycling bin, one new home buying or selling client is generated.

Effective marketing strategies for your small business are essential to the success of your business. Whether it’s digital or print marketing collateral, it’s most important to understand your target audience and align your goals with how you can serve potential client and customer needs.

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