Shah Rukh Khan is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film, Pathaan. Recently, the trailer for the film was released, and it is making waves on the internet. Now, ahead of the release, SRK frequently hosts his infamous ‘Ask SRK’ sessions on Twitter. On Thursday, the King Khan hosted yet another interaction session with fans on the micro-blogging site. During the Twitter session, the actor was asked about how much he charged for Pathaan. SRK responded in the most witty manner.
Fan questioned, “Pathaan ke liye kitne fees liye? (How much fees you took for Pathaan).” The actor replied, “Kyon sign karna hai agali film mein..??? (Why, do you want to sign me for your next film).”
A fan complimented the actor on the Pathaan trailer and questioned the actor superstar what the best part about shooting the film was. He replied, “There were lots of youngsters who assisted in making this film. They were all the sweetest and even now working day and night. I had most fun with them. #Pathaan.”
The actor was also questioned over the response of his family to the Pathaan trailer. Referring to Abram, he said “The little one liked the jet pack sequence most..he thinks I might go into another realm!!!.”
Meanwhile, recently the makers of the film have unveiled the much-anticipated trailer of Pathaan. Taking to his official social media handles, SRK shared the trailer and wrote, “Mehemaan nawaazi ke liye #Pathaan aa raha hai, aur pataakhen bhi saath laa raha hai! #PathaanTrailer out now! Releasing in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu on 25th January 2023.”
Also Read: Shehzada: Kartik Aaryan and Kriti Sanon steal the show at trailer launch | Photos
Helmed by Siddharth Anand, the film co-starring John Abraham is all set to hit the theatres on January 25, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
Also Read: Shehzada Trailer: Kartik impresses as action hero in Allu Arjun’s Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo remake
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