SS Rajamouli’s RRR has taken Indian Cinema to the global level. We all know by now that the magnum opus movie has created history after winning an Oscar for Best Original Song for Naatu Naatu. The main event of the Oscars was attended by Naatu Naatu lyricist Chandrabose, music composer MM Keeravani, Rajamouli, his family with Ram Charan, Jr NTR and their respective wives. However, if reports are to be believed except composer MM Keeravani and lyricist Chandrabose, everyone else on Team RRR had to pay a whopping price to attend the Oscars.
According to the report of Economics Times, only Chandrabose and MM Keeravani and their spouses were given free entry to the Oscars. Whereas, Rajamouli had to purchase tickets for his team members. As per the report, Rajamouli had to pay $25,000 (roughly 20 lakhs) per head to witness the event. According to the Academy Awards crew, only the awardee and their family members will be eligible for a free pass, while everyone else had to pay for a ticket to watch the event live.
Thus, SS Rajamouli is said to have purchased tickets for himself as well as for the other members of his team to witness the historic moment. Earlier, several netizens expressed their discontent after the video of the team surfaced on the internet. The Academy was criticized for giving last-row-seats to SS Rajamouli and his team.
About RRR
Directed by SS Rajamouli, RRR follows the story of two freedom fighters portrayed by Jr NTR and Ram Charan. The film also stars Ajay Devgn, Alia Bhatt, Shriya Saran, Samuthirakani, Ray Stevenson, Alison Doody and Olivia Morris in pivotal roles. From smashing box office records worldwide to bagging prestigious awards across the globe, the epic action drama continues to make waves months after its release.
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