Tunisha Sharma’s body was recovered by the Mumbai Police from a set in Vasai where she was shooting on Saturday. The body was found in the bathroom area and the Police are investigating the death from all possible angles. Meanwhile, Tunisha’s last Instagram post, which was shared hours before her death, shocked everyone. Tunisha was popular for playing roles in the TV shows Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat, Gabbar Poonchwala, Sher-e-Punjab: Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Internet Wala Love and Ishq Subhan Allah.
Tunisha Sharma’s last Instagram post
Tunisha Sharma shared an update on Instagram around five hours before her death. The actress’ body was recovered by the Police around 3 pm on Saturday. In her last Instagram post, she was on set, dressed as the character and held a script in her hand. She appeared to be preparing her lines before the shot. Her caption read, “Those who are driven by their Passion Doesn’t stop (sic).” After her death, this Instagram post has gone viral. Many fans expressed shock in the comments section.
Tunisha Sharma gets her makeup done on set
Tunisha also shared an Instagram story around six hours before the news of her death surfaced. She was seen getting her touch-up done on set. A female hairstylist was working on her hairdo and a makeup artist stood beside her with a foundation plate in hand. All this while, Tunisha was seen interacting with a person, probably an Assistant Director. In light of the news of her death, Tunisha’s Instagram posts have been viewed by many of her followers.
Read: TV actress Tunisha Sharma found dead, police recover body on set
While the cause of Tunisha Sharma’s death is unknown, the Police are investigating the case from all possible angles. Apart from doing roles in popular TV shows, the actress also worked in Bollywood films like Fitoor, Baar Baar Dekho, Kahaani 2 and Dabangg 3.
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